Drone Footage of Ex-Racehorses Galloping on the beach for the first time
This was a dream come true to finally test filming horses galloping down a beach and I am happy with this 1st result - EVEN though my new Mavic Air 2s wouldn't track the horses automatically! (as it was looking for a car or person) but I managed to manually capture the footage flying in sports mode after a few test runs. Testing speed, movement and angle. I was able to get different drone video and some ground footage and sound with my Canon 5D and put together this quick edit. To me it feels more immersive getting sound and different angles into the edits.
I also loved that the clients Johanna and her visiting good friend Cornelia were easy to work with and both showed up looked stunning in matched elegant attire as they road these two beautiful retired racehorses at Agnes Water Beach. One of the horses had never seen the ocean before and you can see what a new and a bit nerve-racking experience it was :) But they did amazingly!
I couldn’t also help getting some photos captured at the end too - as capturing stills runs as deep as working with motion film/video :) So I also did another real ‘first’… I used some proper photoshop edits to change the background of the pictures. Funnily enough this was prompted because I recently had a client ask any responding photographers quoting them NOT to change backgrounds of images. Since I have never really done this as the norm, I decided to push my creative outlet and see what all the fuss was about, but to be honest, I do like changing the sky in some of the photos you see below. It made it look so dramatic! I would love to know what other people think, but personally there is a time and place for everything and now that I am becoming more immersed in the commercial ‘portrait’ world it seems that it is frequently used option in most edits these days so… isn’t it more of a composition of art work then a true photograph?!
Shirley Hitschmann

#hmproductionsau #beachhorseriding #agneswaterbeach #dronefilming #MavicAir2s #visitagnes1770